Tax Reform 2020

A new project to reform and modernize the Chilean tax system, and boost investment in the country, was presented by the government of President Sebastián Piñera on August 23, 2018. Through this website, and as with the two previous tax reforms, Carey will offer an analysis of the main proposed changes.

After almost two years of legislative discussion, Law No. 21,210 was published last Monday, February 24, with the objective of modernizing tax legislation. In order to facilitate its understanding, the following is a description of the main reforms incorporated.


Propuestas del Proyecto December 18th, amendments

In order to materialize the “memorandum of understanding” reached by the Chilean Finance Ministry and the Senate Finance Committee on December 18, 2019, the amendments to the Tax Modernization Project were presented for their legislative discussion, which are focused on SMEs, entrepreneurship and economic growth.

If the Tax Modernization Project is approved by the Senate,  it will be sent back to the House of Representantives, as the originating Chamber. Once the amendments made by the Senate are approved by the House of Representantives, the bill will be sent to the President of the Republic to proceed with the final procedures of approval, enactment and publication of the law.

Propuestas del Proyecto May 8th, amendments

Propuestas del Proyecto Bill´s Proposals